![Addiction Treatment Specialists](/templates/states/form-images/rehab-specialists-3.jpg)
There are many options for drug treatment. We can help you find the right one.
Apire Health Partners - Palm Bay, FL.
Apire Health Partners
is a Drug Rehab Program located at 4670 Lipscomb Street Palm Bay, FL. 32905 and can be contacted by calling 321-726-2889.
- Treatment Services Offered:
- Drug Addiction Treatment, Outpatient Treatment, Dual Diagnosis, Pregnant Women, DUI/DWI Offenders, Hearing Impaired Clients
- Payment Options:
- Medicaid Payment Assistance, Private Pay Insurance, Self-Pay, Sliding-Scale Fee, Payment Help
Questions? Need Help?
Call now to speak with an addiction treatment specialist who can help you find the best rehab program that fits your personal situation.
Residential • Detox • Inpatient • Outpatient • Short Term • Long Term • Low cost • Insurance • Executive • Private
(866) 576-8012
Treatment Centers by City
Select a City:
- Miami
- Fort Lauderdale
- Jacksonville
- Orlando
- Tampa
- Pompano Beach
- Hollywood
- St. Petersburg
- West Palm Beach
- Hialeah
- Pensacola
- Tallahassee
- Sarasota
- Naples
- Boca Raton
- Lakeland
- Bradenton
- Gainesville
- Fort Myers
- Lake Worth
- Clearwater
- Ocala
- Kissimmee
- Daytona Beach
- Boynton Beach
- Melbourne
- Miami Beach
- Panama City
- Opa Locka
- Cape Coral
- Homestead
- Largo
- Delray Beach
- Port St. Lucie
- New Port Richey
- Spring Hill
- Vero Beach
- Fort Pierce
- Winter Haven
- Palm Bay
- Palm Harbor
- Winter Park
- Deltona
- Apopka
- Port Charlotte
- St. Augustine
- Jupiter
- Orange Park
- Milton
- Brandon
- Plant City
- Cocoa
- Stuart
- Altamonte Springs
- Venice
- Deerfield Beach
- Palm Beach Gardens
- Sanford
- Seminole
- Longwood
- Deland
- North Fort Myers
- Titusville
- Fort Walton Beach
- Lake City
- Leesburg
- Punta Gorda
- Miami Gardens
- Pinellas Park
- Lutz
- Brooksville
- Sebring
- Port Richey
- Zephyrhills
- St. Cloud
- Casselberry
- Okeechobee
- Winter Springs
- Clermont
- Wellington
- Middleburg
- Lake Wales
- Dunedin
- Key West
- Crestview
- Arcadia
- Holiday
- Dade City
- New Smyrna Beach
- Sebastian
- Lake Mary
- Tarpon Springs
- Inverness
- North Port
- Satellite Beach
- Gulf Breeze
- Rockledge
- Eustis
- Bartow
- Palatka
- Fernandina Beach
- Live Oak
- Jacksonville Beach
- Cantonment
- Immokalee
- Palm City
- Quincy
- Avon Park
- Davenport
- Belle Glade
- Navarre
- Lake Placid
- Defuniak Springs
- Wesley Chapel
- Jensen Beach
- Crawfordville
- Mount Dora
- Marianna
- Maitland
- Perry
- North Palm Beach
- Mulberry
- Debary
- Starke
- Destin
- Panama City Beach
- Orange City
- Wauchula
- Tavares
- Key Largo
- Madison
- Marathon
- Macclenny
- Yulee
- Monticello
- Bushnell
- Lake Butler
- Thonotosassa
- Eglin AFB
- Trenton
- Umatilla
- Floral City
- Ocklawaha
- Pahokee
- Lecanto
- Jasper
- Hilliard
- Wimauma
- Neptune Beach
- Citra
- Flagler Beach
- Century
- Bunnell
- Indian Rocks Beach
- Cross City
- Apalachicola
- Bronson
- Pinetta
- Sumterville
- Intercession City
- Bay Pines
- Highland City
- The Villages